In-8 (195 x 123 mm) de VIII, XXII, 253 pp. Demi-basane verte, dos orné avec le chiffre ‘F.G.’ en queue (reliure légèrement postérieure).
1 en stock
Wheatland 111 ; Sinkankas, I, 2811.
Édition originale.
« Typically precise and detailed in his statements, Haüy here provides the first determinative gemology worthy of that name. The lengthy introduction discusses progress in mineralogy, especially in respect to the now outmoded idea that gemstones by virtue of their superior hardness and resistance to traditional methods of chemical decomposition, were mineralogically in a class distinct from other species. Recent work in chemistry and crystallography clearly demonstrated that gemstones are no more than purer specimens of common species, citing the work of Klaproth in recognizing zirconium in zircon and of Vauquelin who found glucinum (beryllium) in beryl… A work of fundamental importance in the science of gemology and marking the transition from a purely descriptive method to accurate determination of properties and applying them to identification » (Sinkankas).
Les 3 planches hors texte par Cloquet représentent des pierres et des instruments, notamment l’hydromètre de Nicholson.
Très bon exemplaire en dépit de quelques rousseurs éparses. Avec le catalogue du libraire Asselin inséré entre les pp. 250/251.
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