CAYLUS Duc de Vie d’Edmé Bouchardon, sculpteur du Roi.


Paris, sans nom, 1762

12mo (166 x 98 mm) 2 nn.ll. (including first blank), 130 pp. Modern marbled calf, bound in style, flat spine gilt, red edges.


1 in stock

Quérard, II, 92 ; Cioranescu, 16290.

First edition.

The first monograph devoted to the sculptor Edmé Bouchardon (1698-1762), champion of the classical style inspired by antiquity, but also an excellent realist draughtsman (Les Cris de Paris).

He was a friend and protégé of the Comte de Caylus, a famous antiquarian, writer and art lover who also practised engraving, and interpreted Bouchardon's drawings. The intimacy that existed between Caylus and Bouchardon makes this well-written little book, with its sometimes touching accents, a model of artistic biography.

A very good copy.